Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Which Came First-A brief Essay


Which Came First…

The Apple or the Seed?


Margaret Rickman

Which came first-the chicken or the egg? This eternal evolutionary question brings to light what I believe to be a more important question…Which came first—the apple or the seed?

The seed, known to be a source of life for the many beautiful trees it produces, also providing an endless source of nourishing food. The small size of the apple sees and its seemingly simple shape amazingly produces the beautiful fruit that has for ages inspired many creative people.

For the apple to be ignored would be impossible; what with its abundant supply and variety of colors, it cannot be missed. The apple can now be found in decadent desserts, artistic paintings, fairy tales, folklore and rumors of its ability to keep the doctor away. From Eve, Sir Isaac Newton, Snow White and Johnny Appleseed, to kitchens all around the world, apples have inspired a plethora of truly scrumptious creations and uncanny ideas. One can only stop and think of the sentiment, “You are the apple of my eye,” to understand the beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the apple is a beautiful thing to behold.

Now, we return to the original question: Which came first, the apple or the seed? And which came first essentially poses the question: which is best? While some might say that the seed is more important because it instills life in breathtaking apple trees, I think the apple itself is more valuable for the wonderful inspiration that comes just from the mere sight of it. The wonder of the seed, and more importantly the inspiration of the apple it produces, will forever symbolize life, beauty and delicious creativity.





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